Are you ready to turn your precious wee one into a pint-sized, shredding baby snowboarder? I gotchoo! Teaching your flimsy, human creation how to snowboard, starts now!
Curated by a snowboard coach, this guide contains all the basic building blocks to turn your tiny human into a baby snowboarder! I've got you covered from the pre-first steps, to gliding on snow - let's goooo ✌️

Baby Snowboarder Guide
As a parent, there's nothing quite like the joy (or horror!) of introducing your baby to new experiences. And what better way to do that than by teaching your baby how to snowboard?! Not only is snowboarding a great way to enjoy our long, Rocky Mountain winters, but it helps your baby develop coordination and balance. Plus, babies naturally have a low center of gravity and no fear, two advantages in the world of snowboarding.

As a CASI Level 2 snowboard coach, I am fully qualified and certified to instruct all ages and abilities, including teaching my one-year old baby to snowboard. My credentials demonstrate a deep passion and understanding of the sport of snowboarding and I provide a safe, positive, and effective learning experience for all my students.

For the past two years, our family are stoked to be ambassadors for Resorts of the Canadian Rockies, which includes snowboarding at our favourite ski hill, Nakiska Ski Resort. We spend many hours here every week in the winter honing in on these baby snowboarder lessons and perfecting our strategies - did I mention that there's rarely anything goes perfectly when bringing the little guy to the ski hill!
Baby Snowboarder 101: Always Be Adaptable. Practice Patience.
Teaching your baby how to snowboard is an intricate dance that requires a sweet spot between patience and tact. Make sure that you start slowly with every lesson to make sure your baby is ready for each next challenge.
As soon as Sylas resists, or is trying to get off the board, I let him. I really have to dig deep not to force it sometimes!
Lesson 1: The Shred Begins Inside
From day one, Sylas has been primed to be a snowboarding baby. He was gifted the best beginner snowboard, the Burton Riglet when he was a fetus in the womb. The Riglet is specifically designed for young children and doesn't have sharp edges, making it safe for babies to explore and play with.

At around six months of age, before he could stand, I began introducing Sylas to the sensation of gliding on a snowboard by sitting him on it and dragging him around our den.

Around 8-9 months of age, I stood him on the Riglet and the Burton Throwback snowboard and drug him, allowing him to gain a sense of balance while gliding on his board. Once Sylas became comfortable in his jolly jumper, I would even attempt to get him jumping in his snowboard. Anything to make him be comfortable with his destiny as being a baby snowboarder!

Lesson 2: Moving the Party Outside
Lesson 2 transitions your baby snowboarder from playroom to the snowy outdoors. I swore to myself that I would never tell this story - that my baby didn't experience love at first sight with snow!
It was a snowy, still morning in early November, 2022. As the big, fluffy snowflakes fill up the backyard, I excitedly decide to take Sylas outside for his first snowboard session. I spend the next 20 minutes getting Sylas bundled up to experience the first snowfall of the year. Moments after sitting him in the snow, he starts to cry and demands to be picked up immediately showcasing his complete disinterest in winter.
I kept consistent with my efforts - figured out how to dress him more effectively (Soph, put the damn mitts on BEFORE the jacket!) and learned to streamline our baby snowboarder lessons. With practice, we were able to get him gliding a little in the backyard, then sidewalks, and finally on a small hill in the neighbourhood.
Lesson 3: First Snowboard Session on Resort
January 26th, 2023: The day after his 17 months of existence on Earth, we decide that Sylas is ready for his first time snowboarding at a ski resort. We drive to our local hill, Nakiska Ski Resort for our first, real baby snowboarder lesson.
It went so much better than I could have ever hoped for! Using creativity and different tactics, we managed to get our one-year old snowboarding.

*Disclaimer: Sylas wasn't a stranger to Nakiska, despite this being his first legit time snowboarding there. During his first season on Earth, he was 3-7 months and was too tiny and fragile to throw on a snowboard! But we made it a point to immerse him in the ski bum atmosphere and frequently incorporated our baby tradeoff strategy.
Lesson 4: Consistency & Creativity
Since that first session at Nakiska, we try to take Sylas out riding bi-weekly. We experiment and are creative in our approach and have had quite successful days where we manage to get in 3-4 decent runs. However, there have also been days that turned into a complete shitshow. Finding success is a mixed bag with a few moves resulting in more success than others. Pulling him up the hill and then releasing him works well for us. I've rode with him up in my arms, had had him stand on my snowboard between my legs, and riding side-by-side with me holding him firmly underneath his armpits.

If all these efforts fail, simply try dragging your upright baby on their board around the beginner area. Sometimes, this is even a stretch (sigh) and you may have to abort that days mission. This is fun though, ryight?!
Baby Snowboarding Gear
When it comes to equipment, Burton is my go-to for snowboard gear for one-year olds!

The Burton riglet is the best baby snowboard 1 year old due to its' lack of sharp, metal edges. This baby snowboard is small (90cm long) and easier to control - plus, it comes with a built-in reel (if you can't find a reel, a rope will suffice for year one). The Burton grom binding is also a great option for your baby snowboard set up as it's designed to fit smaller boots.
Another essential piece of equipment for your baby snowboard set up is the Burton MDXONE snowboard backpack trainer. This backpack is the cats ass for keeping Sylas upright, and dragging him to a different location when he's having a meltdown!
Burton offers a variety of one piece snowsuits which are stylish and has gore-tex options that will keep your baby or toddler snowboarding for longer! We used a normal winter boot for his first year but upgraded to Burton grom boot in his second season. Accessories include a burton beanie or sometimes a headster beanie for the colder days, mitts, and a neck warmer.
Baby Snowboarder Tips
Before you hit the slopes with your little one, there are a few things to keep in mind to ensure that the experience is safe and enjoyable for both of you.
- Have a snowboard lying around the playroom. Let it be a part of their life.
- Bring them to the ski hill often. Let them be a part of that experience, even if they are asleep. Get those neurons firing early!
- Start gliding on the floor inside. Once they can sit, they can be dragged.
- Introduce gliding on snow. This entails dragging them on their board in the backyard or on the sidewalk in your neighbourhood.
- Start with gentle, gradual slopes and work your way up to steeper terrain. Let your baby or child get comfortable with the sensation of gliding on the snow before attempting anything more challenging.
- Sign them up for baby gymnastics classes. When Sylas began taking steps at 11 months, I wanted him to continue to improve his coordination and body awareness. I believe that gymnastics teaches fundamental skills for body movement and control (ie. learning how to bail!).
- Use a Burton riglet or another baby snowboard specifically designed for children. These smaller boards are easier for little ones to control and maneuver.
- Use a harness or leash. A harness or leash can be a great way to help your child stay upright and maintain balance while learning to snowboard. Just be sure to use it properly and keep an eye on your child at all times to prevent accidents.
- Use a suitable helmet. Safety is the most important aspect of snowboarding, especially when it comes to children. Make sure your baby snowboarder is wearing a helmet that fits well and is specifically designed for snowboarding.
- Use goggles. This one is tricky for us because Sylas has them but refuses to wear them.
- Dress appropriately. Cold weather can be tough on little ones, so be sure to dress your baby in warm, waterproof clothing to keep them comfortable and protected from the elements.
- Know when to call it. Teaching your baby how to snowboard, is tough for you both.
- Take a lesson. If possible, consider taking a lesson with a professional instructor who specializes in teaching young children. This will ensure that your baby snowboarder is learning proper techniques and staying safe on the mountain.
- Use positive reinforcement and have fun!
- Be patient. Teaching a one-year-old how to snowboard takes patience and understanding. Remember that they are still learning and developing new skills.
With some adaptability, practice, and patience, your baby snowboarder will be shredding the mountain with you in no time!
Happy ridin'!
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